Friday, March 11, 2011


So today I decided for the first time in 19 years that I am going to look the way that I want to look...not the way that other people say that I should. Today I went and got my hair done, I chopped 2 inches off...for so long I thought that in order for me to look "beautiful" I had to always worry about my appearance, but today I had a long as I am happy about the way that I look like and I am a genuine and beautiful person on the inside it will show through my looks and how I dress (you know all the things that most people obsess over). I mean why is it that people take so much time trying to alter their appearance for other people and not themselves, life is too short not to be truly happy and if that means shaving your head so that you don't have to worry about your hair anymore then so be it. I think one of the main reasons why I stopped caring so much was because I finally am starting to feel comfortable in my own skin, excepting everything about myself including the things that I hate, I am made in the image of God and that is beautiful.

Just a thought,
Until next time...
<3 Amelia

"I’m not the average girl from your video
And I ain’t built like a supermodel
But I learned to love myself unconditionally,
Because I am a queen"   ~Video by India Arie

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What is love?

Wow 2 posts in one day!!! Yes. Why?...I'm in a blogging kinda mood thats why?! :) anyway I was thinking...because thats what I do..and I came across another really good thought. What is love? We have so many ideas that are put into our minds constantly  through the influence of  media, our religious views or our families morals. But what if you strip that all away? What is really is more than a feeling because what happens when the feelings go love gone? This is the part where someone says "no Amelia love is way deeper than feelings" well if it is then why do people say "I love you " as casually as they say "Can I have a large fry with that" I mean if it is so deep then why has it become such a common phrase. "I love doughnuts!" or "I love those shoes!" are phrases we hear all the time but just as quick as we are to throw away the doughnut because its old and moldy or give the shoes away because they no longer fit we move on to other relationships and say that we no longer love the person we said we "loved" and when asked why just like the doughnut and the shoes we say  they got old or they no longer fit into our lives. I think that through my past relationships both dating relationships and friends I have learned one thing. Love is something that grows, at least in my case. The first "I love you" in any relationship is the best I love you because it is fresh, new, exciting, full of emotions but after that it is so easy to say it as much as you say hi or bye. Why? Well it's not because it doesn't mean anything but simply put because we forget why we said it to begin with, what it really means, why we wanted the other person to hear those three special words. Now remember these are just my thoughts and I am not philosopher or scholar I am just a normal almost 20 year old woman taking a deep swim in my pool of thoughts, that does not mean I am discrediting my thoughts either I mean there has to be some wisdom hidden in here somewhere....or at least I hope. I just want to make sense of this one word that people spend there whole lives trying to find. We have a whole day dedicated to it, people write books, songs and even movies about it but yet not a lot of people will really find it. So here is what you've all been waiting definition of love: John 15:13 "There is no greater love than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."  There is no better example of what love is than the what Jesus did for us and there is no better way to explain love, if you are willing to lay down your life.  Now I know some of you are like "wow. how does dieing on a cross really show love?" well thats an easy answer: It takes more than feelings to give up your life because just as easily as you throw away that doughnut (idk I really want a doughnut or something) Jesus could have said there people are not worth my life...but he didn't because he truly, passionately loved us. And that my friends is what love is.

So, how do I end this awesome blog with a question....easy! What inspires you love? 

Until next time (which may be sooner than you think)

<3 Amelia 

Rainy days

I don't know exactly why or when it started but whenever it rains it seems to make the day seem somber...I mean now that I really think about it if I wake up and I know that it's going to rain or it's already raining I just assume that it's going to be a bad day. When I woke up this morning and saw rain droplets on my window instead of a beautiful rays of sunshine my mood transformed for hopeful to doubtful, and I started to wonder if maybe its because we as human beings have been conditioned to allow the weather to define our emotions and outlook on the day or week before us. I know kind of a deep thought for 7:00am but it was a good one. I mean if you think about it rain has always been a symbol of sadness or of a bad season in our lives, just as much as we associate darkness with evil and light with good.  But in spite of how I may feel when I see how sad the sky looks I am reminded of a quote I read earlier about the rain the made me reconsider my conditioned  thinking: "And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow." Gilbert K. Chesterton a writer in the late 1870's must have had a wonderful outlook on life, he probably was more of a "glass is half full" kinda guy but because of his wisdom I have hopes for my day...but I still don't like rain.  So what do you think, do you think that the weather really does have an affect on our mood? or do you think we may have been conditioned to believe it has to?

Until next time :}


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My First Blog :}

Well as you can see from the awesome title this is MY FIRST OFFICIAL BLOG!!!!(confetti falls from sky along with balloons and the sound some party noise maker things) woohoo! Anyway I was not quite sure what I was going to make this blog about...I mean I feel a little pressured it's my first blog and I want to make it something that someone would enjoy reading about. Maybe you would like to hear about my day...nah thats boring or about the little boy that I baby sit and how he thinks that Katy Perry is mean for telling someone to shut up and  put money in there mouth ("shut up and put your money where your mouth is") in her song waking up in Vegas...well I guess thats all to that story so it's not that exciting. OK now I'm back to square one what to blog about??? Well after some thought and help from Google I am completely out of ideas (maybe you guys can give me some suggestions....pretty please with sugar on top!)...until next time!
