Thursday, March 10, 2011

Rainy days

I don't know exactly why or when it started but whenever it rains it seems to make the day seem somber...I mean now that I really think about it if I wake up and I know that it's going to rain or it's already raining I just assume that it's going to be a bad day. When I woke up this morning and saw rain droplets on my window instead of a beautiful rays of sunshine my mood transformed for hopeful to doubtful, and I started to wonder if maybe its because we as human beings have been conditioned to allow the weather to define our emotions and outlook on the day or week before us. I know kind of a deep thought for 7:00am but it was a good one. I mean if you think about it rain has always been a symbol of sadness or of a bad season in our lives, just as much as we associate darkness with evil and light with good.  But in spite of how I may feel when I see how sad the sky looks I am reminded of a quote I read earlier about the rain the made me reconsider my conditioned  thinking: "And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow." Gilbert K. Chesterton a writer in the late 1870's must have had a wonderful outlook on life, he probably was more of a "glass is half full" kinda guy but because of his wisdom I have hopes for my day...but I still don't like rain.  So what do you think, do you think that the weather really does have an affect on our mood? or do you think we may have been conditioned to believe it has to?

Until next time :}



  1. That's a good question; I think its kind of both. I do believe that it could easily be that we have been conditioned to show different emotions because of the weather, but at the same time, there must of been a first to say that he/she was sad when it rained, where did that come from? There must have been a reason for that person to be sad, why else then nature itself? So I guess I do think that there is something about the rain that makes us sad, maybe its the color we associate with depression, who knows?

    This was a very good blog hun, I'm looking forward to reading more :)


  2. Well it's true that the sun makes us happy...after all its a source of vitamin D so it's healthy and its pretty haha.

    and thanks <3

